Knee Arthroscopy: An Advanced Technique To Diagnose And Treat Knee Pain 

Your knee connects your upper and lower leg and acts as a hinge, helping in flexion and extension. Any damage or injury to the knee can be a cause of excruciating pain impacting your routine activities. Conservative therapy can help alleviate your symptoms. However, when these methods fail, minimally invasive procedures would be recommended. 

Katy knee arthroscopy center provides advanced surgical intervention with minimal discomfort and trauma that can diagnose and treat all forms of knee pain. 

Knee arthroscopy-Introduction

Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure requiring small incisions that provides a detailed view of the inside of your knee. A device, known as an arthroscope is introduced into the area of concern. This helps closely examine your knee to diagnose and treat a wide range of issues, including cartilage, and ligament tears.

The arthroscope camera captures internal images and displays them on a monitor that guides the surgeon to insert tiny surgical instruments into the exact location of tissue damage requiring repair. 


Knee pain can be easily managed through conservative methods like rest, ice compressions, exercise to strengthen the muscles, physical therapy, and medications. However, your doctor may recommend arthroscopy if these methods fail to provide relief. 

Other indications of arthroscopy include treating:

  • ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears
  • Meniscal tears
  • Torn articular cartilage
  • Kneecap (patella) dislocation and fractures 
  • Swollen synovium
  • Osteoarthritis


Knee arthroscopy is an outpatient procedure (you do not require a hospital stay) performed under local or general anesthesia depending on your individual condition. 

The procedure is as follows:

  • Your surgeon will disinfect the surgical site and administer anesthesia.
  • 2 to 3 keyhole-sized incisions will be made over the knee joint, and a saline solution will be used to fill the joint space. This facilitates clear visibility. 
  • Your surgeon will introduce an arthroscope through one incision, and the images captured by the camera will be projected on a monitor.
  • These images will guide the surgeon to insert the surgical instruments in the appropriate targeted area.
  • Once the repair is completed, the saline solution will be drained out of the knee space. 
  • Your surgeon will close the incisions through stitches or sterile bandages. 
  • The procedure takes around 45 to 60 minutes. 

Road to recovery 

You are expected to have a short recovery time that can range between 6 to 8 weeks. 

You are expected to follow these instructions for the initial weeks for optimal outcome:

  • Take pain medications
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Attend physical therapy sessions  

Knee arthroscopy is safe and effective procedure that helps repair the damage and restore your knee function, thereby improving your quality of life. 

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