Running a business is hard work, but ensuring your heating and cooling system works properly can help you save on utility bills. However, many small business owners make mistakes that increase their energy expenses. Here are the top things that small business owners do wrong with HVAC units:
Static lights, or any light that stays on all the time, are a huge energy waste. They’ll drain your battery and increase your electric bill. If you have static lights in your business, such as those above doorways or at the top of stairs, ensure they get turned off when not in use.
If you have something that needs to stay on all night long, buy a motion sensor light instead of using a static one. Motion sensors turn off when there’s no movement around them for 15 minutes or more—which means they can go into standby mode for most of the day and only come back on when someone walks into their range. This way, you’ll conserve energy without sacrificing convenience or safety.
If you are in a business that requires you to work late into the night, one of the best things you can do is turn down your thermostat while you sleep. This will allow the temperature in the room to drop and reduce how much energy it takes for your HVAC system to warm up again when you wake up.
Another simple yet effective way to save money on heating costs is by turning off appliances when they’re not in use. For example, if it’s sunny outside and there’s no reason for your lights to be on, turn them off. It may seem small, but these small changes will add substantially over time.
When you’re not around to use it, your heater could be costing you more than you think.
Heaters use a lot of energy, especially when left on for long periods. They also draw more power when turned on in an empty room or at night. So, if you have central heating and do not need it running all day while not being used, turn it off whenever possible.
Regular maintenance is important. If your HVAC unit breaks down in the middle of winter, you could be forced to turn up the heat and run up your energy bill (and maybe even pay a hefty emergency repair fee). But if you keep your HVAC system in good condition by performing regular maintenance, this won’t happen.
Regular preventive maintenance can help prevent unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs by identifying potential problems. By scheduling regular tune-ups on an annual or bi-annual basis, you ensure that any minor issues are caught early enough to be addressed without causing major damage or interruptions to your business operations. Additionally, regular tune-ups will extend the life of all components within the system—including compressors, motors, and pumps—which helps lower long-term costs associated with replacing them.
Insulation is one of the most effective ways to minimize your energy use. But for insulation to be effective, it needs to be maintained properly.
To ensure you’re getting the most out of your insulation, make sure that:
We hope that you’ve learned a few things about the ways you can get your energy expenses down. It’s important to keep in mind that while these tips are useful, they are not the only way to save money on your electricity bill. You can get in touch with Business Energy Comparison to get the best electricity rates for your business.